Summer Inspiration images in June + music I’m inspired by embroidery, patchwork and warm colors in June. All these images can be found among my flickr favorites. You… Categories Inspiration
Design your own photo album As I’ve been reading Ali Edward’s blog I feel inspired to make something with all of my digital photographs. Not because… Categories Photography
Carved wooden figures at the summer exhibition When my friend Maria came to visit we went to the Summer Craft Exhibition at Nordiska Museet in Stockholm. This year… Categories Creative People
Photographic projects to play with I linked to the photo project Little people – a tiny street art project recently. I think it is such a… Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
Quilting side by side with my Mom When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I have not a single bit… Categories Creative People/Fabric & Sewing
Depressed or tired – cut out and glue pretty images! I found this little lady (magazine clipping) in one of the mags from my grandmother. Isn’t it cute? It’s a little… Categories Creativity & Life/Paper Crafting
Dive in Art – crayon covers & background papers When I’m inspired, I get excited because I can’t wait to see what I’ll come up with next. Dolly Parton When… Categories Collage/Mixed Media Experiments
Finding textures everywhere Continuing on my crusade to make backgrounds in a fun way. I admit that I mostly used rubber stamps to make… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Spreading Kindness I look just like the girls next door… if you happen to live next door to an amusement park. Dolly Parton… Categories Mail bliss
Irresistible Wax Rubbings with crayons Today is all about making a resist with wax crayons! How to: You rub your crayon length-wise on your paper (thin… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
Photography, Art & Writing – new blogs This is the second and last part for now with star-marked (new to me) blogs added recently to my long Link… Categories Inspiration
Watercolor Mixing Chart Inspired by Nina Johansson I did this color mixing chart in my art journal recently. It was a great exercise because… Categories Art journaling/Inspiration