My wee cousin Charlotta always say
that she is not creative at all, but I know that isn’t true. Not for her and not for most people who claim this. It is just a matter of thinking. She might not knit as I do, but she does a lot of things I don’t that are also highly creative. She cooks, bakes and is great at interior design for example. And she is so much fun to be around!

Tree lamp

Right now she is on her first year on the road to becoming a garden designer and will have the cool title Landscape Architect when she is finished.
lilla lottaLandscape architects make outdoor places more beautiful and useful. They decide where to put flowers, trees, walkways, and other landscape details. They keep sports fields from getting soggy, finds the best place to put roads and buildings and work with environmental scientists to find the best way to conserve or restore natural resources. A diverse and fun job I would guess?

And while in school she is drawing, sketching and walking around in parks identifying plants and flowers. I think it sounds like a fun place to be and I’m jealous of everyone who gets any kind of art education. I wasn’t as arty-crafty when I choose schools so I never went down that road. That’s why I’m experimenting so much on my own.

Tree lampAnyway, I wanted to show you her cool lamp, or at least some blurry photos of this sculptural tree looking lamp my cousin made in school! It looks organic but is made out of paper fixed with hairspray and arms weaved with wire.

I just swoon over it!

Tree lamp

Lights on

Tree lamp

Tree lamp

What do you think?

Isn’t that the work of a creative genius?

Crafting together cousin-with-cousin we’ve also felted easter eggs, painted faces and had great fun in the kitchen last year when we made the gingerbread village! :-)