Take your skeletons out of the closet… Maybe it’s time to take your skeletons out of the closet and into your art? Art shouldn’t have to be all… Categories Mixed Media Experiments
The Perfect Gift on Mothers Day On Mothers Day I gave my mother the perfect gift, as I had ordered it from the kind gods of the… Categories Creativity & Life/Inspiration/Thrift & Recycle
Freeform Embroidery that Glitters After I wrote the Wow factor post about what inspires me in others art I thought I’d do a free form… Categories Crafts
Creativity, inspiration, craft and life Blogs I recently found that I think you’ll enjoy checking out! They are about creativity, inspiration, craft and life in general…. Categories Inspiration
The veranda is the place to be When I sit down by the computer to write I think about craft and art. I think about sewing, embroidery, how… Categories Creativity & Life
Smear, stain and spill that acrylic paint I could only read a couple of pages in Traci Bautista’s book Collage Unleashed before I had to put it down…. Categories Creativity & Life/Mixed Media Experiments
Widen your horizon with new words I love new words because often they reveal something that you are not aware of. The knowledge of a new word… Categories Photography
Waiting waiting for words and good news It won’t be long when you’re waiting – or isn’t it the opposite? I’ve been looking for words for a week… Categories Collage
The ridiculous Magnolia Tree is laughing I think I’ve been out four or five times snapping photos of dad’s big Magnolia Tree this past week. I started… Categories Art journaling/Photography
Mosaic Table in blue for a Cozy Garden Corner Lately I have read yummy books and taken pictures of the garden (mostly the pink buds and then flowers of the… Categories Crafts
The Wow-factor in art is what makes me giddy Do you know what makes your heart tick? What kind of art makes you giddy with joy? For me, there are… Categories Creative People/Inspiration