Once upon a time…

Tiny Elephant
…there were a tiny elephant boy that liked to do tricks. He would yell:

– Look ma, I’m standing on one leg! and give his mother a big proud smile.

Tiny Elephant
She always smiled back and told him he was such a good boy even though she knew he was cheating a bit.

Tiny Elephant
The tiny elephant boy wanted to join the circus when he grew up, but he was still a very tiny boy and had to stay with his toys when the big boys were playing in the jungle.

Tiny Elephant
He was staring out the window, waving his little tail as he saw them trumping off into the wild. He knew that one day he would be a big elephant and then… then he was going to go after his dream. The thought of that made his heart sing and his eyes glitter. He knew he could do it, he just knew.

The end.