As I told you, I’ve been making art in bed. This is a page I made last week:

Bedtime stories page by iHanna

“I’m telling myself bedtime stories
in my journal
singing lullabies til I cry”

The opposite page

Holding hands page by iHanna

I’m just splashing colours to the page right now.

Different brands of crayons, acrylic, watercolour and pens. I love making the backgrounds, not thinking about the outcome just doing what I feel and feeling that I like the outcome.

There are no rules to art journaling – just your own aesthetic judgment and the feelings you have while painting (or the feeling that comes to you while you paint). I almost never have a plan for the page, I just write what comes along in my brain and this time these pages is what came out.

Journaling inspiration can be found here, here and here! Yummy stuff, check them out!