Crafty Podcasts – I’m all ears to the craft world I love listening to crafty podcasts! How about you? And I find new ones all the time right now. Here are… Categories Digital Life/Inspiration
Collaged Postcards – this batch is done Collaged Postcards are fun, both to make and send out. And so easy to make too. Making postcards is fun fun… Categories Mail bliss/Paper Crafting
Trying out my new scissors I was trying out my new scissor the other day, and they are really sharp and great. I’ve been doing some… Categories Art journaling/Inspiration
Knitty Calendar Girl – I’m May Did you get the big news yet? I’m now a Knitty Calendar Girl. It feels pretty awesome. I’m the May Girl… Categories Digital Life/Home Comforts
Homemade Soup Homemade vegetable soup, how about that? This is a picture for Bokkanalen’s reviewer Jenny who e-mailed to tell me that her… Categories Photography
Green wrist warmers with an edge I’ve knitted dark green wrist warmers in baby wool yarn that is really soft. I then crocheted a lace like edge… Categories Crafts
Visit to the artist shop I got a great big check to go to the Artist Shop in town (Konstnärsshopen) for my birthday, and I’ve been… Categories Inspiration
Log cabin pillow Do you remember the log cabin pincushions that I made this summer? I added one of these to the Pincushion Challange… Categories Fabric & Sewing
Useless shop I kind of like They have rows and rows of colourful, plastic, cute, desined new stuff. You know what I’m taking about. All these useless… Categories Inspiration
Kaleidoscope and potential I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been getting a lot of great stuff in the mail. Some great books, a private handwritten… Categories Mail bliss/Thrift & Recycle
Granny Square Scarf in pink I crocheted my first granny square (mormorsruta) in November last year, this is what I wrote back then: I think it… Categories Crafts
What fits into a matchbox? I signed up for the Matchbox Swap, asking myself; – What fits into a matchbox? – Nothing really I guess, it… Categories Mail bliss