The Lost Knob Wanna view a painting and repair project of mine? Okay, here it is: Bought summer 2004, scraped this autumn and painted… Categories Home Comforts/Thrift & Recycle
Knit with Katarina Brieditis I got the Swedish knitting book Lust att sticka by Katarina Brieditis, one of very few Swedish craft women that is well… Categories Crafts
Illuminate! In dark times, illuminate! /iHanna Right now the sunrise is about eight in the morning, and then the sun sets at… Categories Photography
Dear Santa Wish list 2005 Today, I’m pretending I’m eight years old, and still getting lots of presents for Christmas! This is my list for Santa.’… Categories in list form/Inspiration
Art Journal Spread: Harmony There must be harmony. A new spread in my journal. Categories Art journaling
Spinach soup Instead of crafting tonight I’ve been stuck by the computer, bidding on online flea markets and browsing old photos for my… Categories Home Comforts
Art Doll | Maj my third art doll My third art doll is called Maj, because she has a yellow may flower in her purple yarn hair. This flower… Categories Textile Art
I made this: DIY Shirt Hey my dears, look at this – what do you think? It’s me – in a home sewn long sleeved tshirt. Categories Fabric & Sewing
The sweetness in life are friends Studio Friday Theme: Sweetness! What is the sweetest thing in your life? I don’t need to think hard to come up… Categories iHanna philosophy
Knitting in pink | Thick n’ quick This yarn doesn’t really go well with orange knitting needles, but it won’t stay there for long, it’s a quick knit… Categories Crafts
Salvaged frames I love frames of all kinds – and framed pictures are so much nicer than unframed dito. Have you ever framed… Categories Creativity & Life/Home Comforts/Thrift & Recycle
I have a Creative Dad I’m one of the lucky ones who has a Creative Dad present in my life. He is not mentioned often here,… Categories Creative People