Knitted Cellphone Cozy Out of the gauge swatch I made before starting on the very long sock I made av striped accessory that will… Categories Crafts
I need a Yarn Mentor Links to patterns of sweaters and tops – and thoughts about , ideas and money. If I fall in love with… Categories Crafts
Reality bites I’ve been tagged by Cassie in NY and of the Autumn Sweater Blog [was at but no longer online] to… Categories Inspiration/List Writing
Gesso I bought myself some gesso for the first time! When I find something new that I want to do, I get… Categories Art journaling/Creativity & Life
Artists Journals and Sketchbooks by Lynne Perrella | a personal book review About Perrellas book and a new hobbie: art journaling! Categories Art journaling/Book Inspiration
Sewing a Denim Basket Sew a basket out of your old jeans! Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing/Thrift & Recycle
Gone with the wind A post about my candidate paper (C-uppsats), knitting and ladders on a sock. This is how my sock look right now:… Categories Crafts/Inspiration
Fabric in my taste Started to collect fabrics and lace in 2004, and here is the list of what i crave. Categories Fabric & Sewing/Thrift & Recycle
Cast on 90 stitches Time to cast on! After TV last night I went to bed with five knitting sticks and black wool yarn to… Categories Crafts
Knitting gauge ga-ga About the very long sock yarn, a swatch and Hannas new shoes to go with it. When is spring coming along? Categories Crafts
Jolly Roger Wrist Warmers Here are the promised pictures of the Jolly Rogers wrist warmers, one of the Christmas gifts I knitted in December. Inspired… Categories Crafts