Ice skating on the lake Bought a whole bag full of yarn on sale (100 SEK) last week, and have already finished something secret that will… Categories Crafts
Paper craft A picture of a gift card with heart shaped flowers and an idea to make a big picture. Paper craft is… Categories Paper Crafting
Princess Mononoki & the cat coach About anime movies, knitting, books, Burning Man and Pippi Longstockings socks today. Today I though I finish my wintergreen sweater, but… Categories Inspiration/Read a book
Undies How to make DIY underwear, be inspired by the web and starting to use Bloglines! Undies? Got the inspiration in the… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Inspiration
A little behind There is no knitting class tonight, last time was last Wednesday! I think it’s a little sad that I won’t have… Categories Crafts
Think happy thougts all day today A pen and ink drawing, colored in Photoshop. The bear, who is wearing “my” Gudrun Sjöd?n-knee lenght sock (that I couldn’t… Categories Draw & doodle
Mums blue tote bag Last entry was about my pink tote bag in crazy quilting. I also mentioned that my mum used the same pattern… Categories Creative People
Pink tote bag by iHanna In the great book Patchwork med bandbroderi (original in Danish) by Anne Baird I found a lot of inspiration! The… Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing
Darn Knitting And I mean darn as in förbaskat! All my WIP knitting projects are making me sad/mad when I think about them…. Categories Crafts
Mini Mummy Musketeers Friday me and my bro went to our favorit shop, Pop shop, and there I saw a small mummy that inspired… Categories Crafts/Fabric & Sewing
Do Redo – a Swedish book book about recycling Do Redo – the art of butchering a sweater. A book in Swedish: I’ve found a new Swedish book about knitting… Categories Read a book/Thrift & Recycle