About iHanna and her creative adventures
I, Hanna
I’m a slash person; someone who has multiple “job” descriptions and juggles in many different fields. For example I’m a Mixed Media Artist Wannabe and a Web designer but also a Big sister, Feminist, Swedish Chicka, a Journalist and writer, a Notebook junkie, a Yoga Enjoyer and a tired Night Owl.
In the midst of this creative swirl that surround me, with mile long To Do-lists, blogging, writing in my diary in full view of all the Projects laying around on the planning table, I try to be mindful. I practice by taking long walks, doing yoga and meditating (calming my monkey mind). I try to find balance through my breathing from time to time. Balance is something to strive for, every day.
I believe in connecting with others, doing something creative every day, recycling and taking responsibility for the environment, dealing with problems right away and doing the best with what you have. I also strongly believe that YOU and everyone on this earth are creative beings. Creativity comes in many forms and flavors, and happiness comes when you find what is right for you in your life. It might take some digging inside of you to find it, but when you do you’ll be happy you took the time!
I am all over the web. Feel free to connect!
flickr | youtube | g+ | pinterest | flattr | ko-fi | lulu.com | blurb.com | vimeo | ravelry.com | CraftStylish | crafts at alltop | about.me | twitter | GoodReads | instagram | ColourLovers | ihanna.nu
* The Art journaling network
* The Hand Embroidery network
* Fiber Art Mixed Media network
Again, don’t be shy. I do want to hear your opinion!
© All content copyright Hanna Andersson.