Collage 24: On a darkish day
Collage 24: On a darkish day.

During the week it has been chilly mornings but rainy days under a grayish sky – creating slush on the ground that makes my mood sink. On such days I always wish I could be a bear that would now be sleeping in winter lair, but no such luck, yet. Today though, was another kind of weather.

Collage 25: Snow day at home
Collage 24: Snow day at home.

Today it was blue sky and sunshine as the snow was tumbling down from heaven, or rather; from everywhere. Twirling around sideways mostly, but still, the sun was out and smiling. When I walked to town this morning the twirling snowflakes was glistening in the sun, creating prisms like a disco ball at a loud party. It has been such a beautiful day, and I feel uplifted by it all, mostly little things but still harmonious and nice.

I love when winter is like a postcard holding our inner most beautiful Christmas expectations. I feel grateful to be living in such a magic world, and there is a lot of things to be feel thankful for.

3 things

♥ New hand knitted mittens with a lacy pattern, bought at the Christmas fair today.
♥ Time to write in my diary this morning.
♥ Having expectations of the future (next week, crafting, writing, finishing the embroidery mag, Christmas, new year – all of it), a feeling that has come back to me today.