Each time I take it out of the cupboard I look at it, and smile a bit…

Daily coffee by iHanna for the Happiness Project + video

Oh how I love it, my beautiful coffee mug! I still see it though it has been months since I got this one and I am thankful for finding it because it makes me smile. It reminds me of things I like and people I love. Often we forget about the items that we surround us with too fast. Sometimes we forget to look at our friends too. Isn’t that something that can cause divorces and tears? We forget to see and acknowledge the world around us…

I bought the txt mug this autumn at a local thrift shop full of cups, porcelain and cups. I just thought the text was very cool and full or words that I like. The more I use it and drink out of it the more I like it. And the words are so beautiful, as is the colors. Colors and words are meaningful to me, and this mug reminds me of that.

The Happiness Project

The second video in my Happiness Project videos, mostly filmed during last year:

If you can’t see it click here to watch on youtube.

I compiled this video for the Happiness Project, my personal project in pursuit of happiness! Always keep looking for happiness, right?

It’s about the little things in life that makes me happy. With this video I’m trying to both express how thankful I am for the life I’m living and also looking closer at the things that surround me. My coffee mug with text for example.