Planning stage
Planning a shabby chic project on my desk.

I painted a mirror frame white. It is a big wood frame with a small mirror in the middle bought at IKEA; I’ve had it for a few years (I don’t know if they still keep it?) unpacked and unfinished. After painting it I started planning on what to embellish it with…


Glass marblesButtons

I decided to use only white items, buttons and paper lace, plus the transparent glass marbles (also bought at IKEA).

Gluing girl.

For finishing the project I decided against covering the whole frame with buttons and just do the top part and let them thin out in the middle. Originally I planned to cover the whole thing and not even let the painted surface be visible, but I thought it would look too much, so instead I put in some space and placed the buttons and glass marbles a bit sparsely .

I like it this way, there is just enough decorations on there I think. Quite shabby chic and apparently it belongs to a crafty girl that likes her whites!

I have another mirror just like this one, and for that I’m going for crazy colors and forms! But there is no space or time for that project right now, so you’ll just have to hold your breath until then.

Want to see how the finished piece turned out? Yeah? Go ahead – and then tell me what you think!

Finished project
The finished mirror, voila!